About the blog

The ABBA Omnibus blog will mostly be about the ABBA Omnibus site, with the latest updates, news, or just talking in general. Occasionally there will be some talk about ABBA, the group, not related to the site. Please feel free to comment on any posts, but be warned that anything abusive will be deleted. The intention is to make ABBA Omnibus a little more personal, to encourage some interaction between me and you, the site visitor.

Ian Cole
Sydney, Australia
17 March 2007

One comment

  1. I don`t know if I am a fan of Abba as I`m Romanian of 39,almost unliterated on PC and not much enjoyer of media .IF I LOVE THEM?…A great deal of all my sensitivity owns immensely to their music or look.for a “blind researcher” your work seems of a great enjoyable help and take my gratitude for this,Mr.Cole.I would appreciate a lot if I could find an easy way to get in touch with you in case that you`ll have the major kindness for answering to such attempt.The idea of this contact is due to our (possible) mutual interest of trying to do more related to their art,even now to increase their opera.Heartfully yours,Cos


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